What is Clickbait and Methods to Avoid Clickbait [Easy Tactics]
The deceptive advertising strategy is Clickbait and used online. It tangles to the users to click on a link to view online content, either unrelated to the title (and the link) or only partially makes the user think. That they will accomplish.
While the term clickbait is new because it is used only about the net, it is not a new concept. Before the advent of the net, there was something known as bait-and-switch.
Most of us have probably been seduced to a rough level and clicked on a catchy title, only to end the rabbit hole of misinformation and more flashing links. At best, it can be a little frustrating and time-wasting. However, at the very least, it can harm your computer.
Keep busy yourself with knowledge is the best thing, by which you can identify them and make informed choices while surfing the vast net.
What is the purpose of clickbait?
As you know, there is not good. Why would sites use them? The main objective is to bring more traffic to a site.
The sensational title uses to motivate users to click on the link (bait). i.e., more people arrive at a specific site. Otherwise, they never leave. The purpose can range from spreading fake news to damaging your computer by secretly installing viruses.
A vital problem with this is that it often leads to an undesirable page. It can be a page with content that you would not normally dream of seeing. Whether it is a low-cost model or a gambling site, this can cause problems.
As online advertisements become more and more targeted, the net gives us a classified ad that we think we want to see. It seems very helpful in theory. But in practice, it is not just, far from it ever!
Whenever you search for a topic online or spend time on a page, the internet creates your profile. You may have noticed that if you search for a random topic (i.e., crystal vessel as a wedding gift), suddenly all the ads are pop up for the crystal vessel. The same is true when you click on the clickbait hyperlink, and you governed to a site about how to get free online gambling credits. You will probably see a lot more of those ads pop up in the future.
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The worst case is when clickbait installs malware or viruses on your computer. We share some simple strategies to recognize Clickbait with you.
How to recognize and avoid them?
Whatever the goal, clickbait is always misleading. Some headlines may sound sensational but are true. For this reason, it can be tough to identify good from untrue to true, dangerous to good.
As the practice continues to evolve, their promoters are becoming more discerning. There are some simple tricks which you can apply.
Here are the main ways to identify what is clickbait and help you avoid it before clicking:
- The title is too good to be true.
- It will often be brighter than general and will jump off the screen. A good news article will summarize what the article is about, and any blog or content of human interest should do the same.
You think you may have already found yourself in clickbait land. Here are some key clues:
- The content of the page is not related to the title. Quickly return to the page you were on before clicking the clickbait link or closing the page completely.
- You have to click on a button to move to the upcoming line of information or paragraph. In this case, it is usually safe to minimize the page as if you keep hitting back. You still have a long way to go.
You should now feel more confident about being able to identify them. However, new methods have constantly been creating to trick users. It is necessary to have good antivirus software on your computer.
Last Thought!
By the above methods, you can easily avoid Clickbait. If you have issues when you avoid them, then contact our Technical Support team. They will provide you the best solution and help you to escape from this problem.